Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bug Spray - How I Miss Thee

Oh, how green I am - until I see a bug. The sight of a creepy crawly just about drives me to dig around in the back of my cabinets in search of the Raid that I know is still kicking around back there.

Raid, for Roaches, no less. I've seen cockroaches in Kingston only twice, and one of those places ISN'T my current residence. But hey, if it'll kill a cockroach, it'll kill anything. That's my theory.

Except that now I'm not supposed to use chemicals. I'm trying to be as green as I can and teach my children well...

So, today when I was sitting on the deck, watching the kids play, I happened to catch some movement out of the corner of my eye. Right there, right at eye level, was a swarm of baby red spiders, looking like they had just been newly hatched - on my barbeque.


Breathe deeply.

(oh shit, oh shit, eeeeew)

Leap from the deck, and breathe again.

Think about the Raid, and then give self a mental slap on wrist.

Call the kids over to have a look while running inside to get the spray bottle with dish soap and water.

Squirt the hell out of the little bastards, while explaining to the kids that, "Yes, the spiders are outside, and that means they should be allowed to live...but they are on OUR DECK, which is an extension of our house. Therefore it's okay to kill them, unless one of you would like to pick them off. No takers?"

(squirt, squirt)

You heard it here. Dish soap kills bugs, apparently by suffocation. (Here's to hoping the karma has a loophole for bugs and phobias.) A spray bottle filled mostly with water and a couple good squirts of dish soap will do the trick. If it's an adjustable one, that's better - use the spray for little creepies and the stream for bigger ones.

No guarantee this will work on cockroaches. We don't have them around here, but just in case, I'm keeping my bottle of raid at the back of the cabinet. (Sh.)

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