Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Waiting for the Worms

The vermicomposting seminar was GREAT. Not as many people turned out for it as I'd thought would (omg...I'm a GEEK...) but that's okay because everyone had a better view of the little red wrigglers.

Nathan and Mark did a fantastic job of explaining how things work, things to experiment with, and what definitely to NOT do. Again, once I'm a little better prepped, I will also offer a link to their website. These guys deserve the very best in their business venture. :)

Yesterday I ordered worms. Raise your hand if you thought you could receive worms in the mail? (My hand is NOT up.) You can...and I will. Hopefully they'll be here tomorrow, and aren't chilly right now. It snowed last night, so I'm a little concerned for their well-being.

I'll be sure to include a couple of good photos of my new little friends, and their house, once they arrive.

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