Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"I Like My Chemicals"

May I continue to rant?

"I like my chemicals." This is a quote, not from one source, but from at least three of the most environmentally-conscious people I know. (Oh dear, that sounds really terrible, doesn't it?) What this quote is regarding is household cleaners.

After doing a bit of research and finding out the dangers of the chemicals most of us use in our homes on a daily basis, I decided to switch to more eco- and health-friendly alternatives. I didn't buy any more chemicals. I finished off the multi-purpose cleaner that I had, washed out the bottle and refilled it with a solution of half vinegar, half water. I stocked my cleaning cabinet with baking soda, lemon juice, salt and cornstarch. Okay, okay, so I'm still a little evil...I do still keep a small spray bottle filled with water and a capful of bleach, which I use for disinfecting...I can't get past that one. (Any ideas for alternatives? Send them in!)

When discussing Earth-friendliness and this switch with friends, "Oh, I like my chemicals" was the response I got. I'm not going to go into the details of how these chemicals are a danger to us and our environment, because I'd just be regurgitating information gleaned from other sources...I'm not a scientist, just a mom worried the health of my children now and in the future, as well as the health of the planet that will be their inheritance. If you're not aware, simply search for "household cleaners +health"...you'll find all the information you'll ever want.

Oh, and have I ever mentioned that I'm cheap? Compare prices of a bottle of the most popular household cleaners and a giant econo-bottle of vinegar.

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